More impact by you...
less impact by them!
Mike Cares
Mike Pehl is a 25 year veteran crash investigator and driver educator. A devastating incident involving a high school friend changed Mike's life and sparked a passion to save as many lives as he could. Mike developed a system to help parents prepare their new drivers in a systematic and extremely effective way. This is now being made available through this online course.
“The greatest lifetime chance of crashing occurs within the first 6 months of licensure.”
Motor Vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens. Fortunately, teen motor crashes are preventable, and proven strategies can improve the safety of young drivers on the road. Studies have shown that more involvement from the parents of a novice driver reduces the risk of accidents within the critical first year of driving. They have also shown that targeting educational and awareness initiatives and tools will not only increase a teen's driving skills but parents as well. Coaching New Drivers believes that teens and our roads can be safer, by using this online teen driver training program we hope to reduce collisions and deaths on our roads.


Driver Inexperience
Teen drivers have underdeveloped skills that can only be gained through experience, they often miss or react late to a hazard increasing crash risk.
These 8 major danger zones have been determined by researchers as the greatest areas of risk a teen will face in a driving environment. The Coaching New Drivers program uses these danger zones as the basis of their learning platform. Utilizing this program to better prepare new drivers during the learner's phase and maintain what they have learned through the first six months of driving on their own can drastically reduce their probability of getting in a collision.
As a parent you hold the key to building a solid foundation, attitude and skill set to last your new driver a lifetime, let this course be your blueprint!
Distracted Driving is a factor in 14% of police-reported crashes involving teen drivers.

Reckless Driving
Among crashes attributed to teen error, 21% of teen crashes were caused by speeding.

Driving at Night
32 % of all fatal crashes for teens in the 16-19-year-old age range occurs between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Improper Use of Seatbelts
55% of young adults aged 13-20 that have died in a motor vehicle collision were not wearing seatbelts.

Drowsy Driving
The majority of fatigue-related crashes are caused by drivers under the age of 25.

Alcohol Drugs & Driving
In 2012, 27% of 16-20-year-olds that were involved in a motor vehicle death had a BAC .08 or higher.

Driving with Passengers
Two or more passengers more than triples the risk of a fatal crash with a teen behind the wheel.
Coaching from the Passenger Seat
Coaching from the Passenger Seat is a pre-license course for parents or guardians who are supervising their new drivers during the learner's permit phase. This online course includes 12 essential lessons to guide you from the first discussion to lay the ground rules all the way to the day they go for their license.
Danger Zone Training
Danger Zone Training is the first post-license online course to use revolutionary drip-learning techniques to help new drivers retain important defensive driving messages after they start driving on their own. Mike uses video, stories and dash cam footage to create short, engaging lessons sent to your new driver every two weeks.
Roadside Assistance
You can prepare your new driver for almost any situation on the road with enough training and practice. The one thing you may not be able to control is a vehicle breakdown. Coaching New Drivers has partnered with one of the leading providers of roadside assistance to offer membership with a bundled package. Peace of mind!